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Cool and the Cruel
Queen / Padmé Neberrie
(Natalie Portman)
Queen Amidala (who
may also be her own handmaiden Padme Naberrie) is the young beautiful
monarch of the planet of Naboo and the future mother of Luke Skywalker
and his twin sister, Leia Organa. She is a strong ruler in the capital
city of Theed on the ancient and beautiful planet as it falls in the
middle of a great trade war with rival Nimoudia. It's likely that the
Queen plays the role of her handmaiden when she wants to get around

Skywalker / Darth
(child - Jake Lloyd / adult
- David Prowse, voice - James Earl Jones)
The 9-year old Anakin
Skywalker and his mother live in the slave quarters of Mos Espa on Tatooine.
The boy is industrious and a natural when it comes to technology. The
drudgery of his surroundings forces him to look elsewhere for happiness:
to his dreams of flying a starfighter. This otherwise happy and loving
child also unfortunately carries the misery of a slave's life that may
give him a basis of pain for his eventual turn to the dark side of the
Force. This could also be facilitated by his richness in the Force and
his frustration and impatience.
Growing to a height
of two meters tall, he becomes the very symbol of evil dressed in his
black robes, helmet and suit which sustain his life with technology
after his body's mutilation in a battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi. With the
Emperor's support, Vader has become the Empire's Official Bogeyman and
is one of the most powerful players in the new Imperial order.
Discovering that
he has a son who is similarly endowed with the Force, he tried to capture
him but instead is rescued back to the good side of the Force by his
own offspring, turning on the evil Emperor and finally arriving at peace
before dying.
(Tim Rose)
This Mon Calamari
commanded the Rebel Fleet to victory over the 2nd Death Star at the
Battle of Endor. His enthusiasm and intelligence make him the perfect
symbol of the Alliance's diversity. He brought his race's impressive
fleet into the Alliance. As far as we know, he's still alive somewhere
gracing a plate garnished with parsley and lemon.

Kenobi, Obi-Wan
(young - Ewan MacGregor / old - Sir Alec Guiness)
This impressive
Jedi Master began as an apprentice of the great Qui-Gon Jinn. His blue
lightsabre, hand-made, has served as a symbol of his strong beliefs
and his power. While not yet fully trained, he was given to train the
young Anakin Skywalker. This begins a chain of events that lead to his
defeat at the hands of his once-student in A New Hope.
He rose to become
a General in the Clone Wars, fighting alongside legendary figures such
as Bail Organa of Alderaan, but disappears afterwards, biding his time
as a crazy hermit on Tatooine until the moment arrives when he must
attempt to set things right and commence his training again, this time
of Skywalker's son, Luke.
(Jeremy Bulloch)
One of the best
bounty hunters around, Boba Fett (whose employers range from Jabba the
Hutt to the Empire itself) manages to finally capture Han Solo and return
him to Jabba encased in frozen carbonite. His Mandalorian armor is deadly
with all sorts of weapons, from lasers to flame throwers, and he manages
to always pop up when you least expect him. He goes way back and we'll
be seeing him in the early episodes as one of the Jedi's enemies. We
see him finally fall into the a desert creature's lair to be digested
slowly but who knows if this is really the end for him?

(Anthony Daniels)
It seems that our loquacious butleresque friend was put together from
spare parts by young Anakin Skywalker himself. He (how do we know it's
a 'he'? - do you see any extra bits?) is a protocol droid, providing
translation in "over 6 million" languages from machine to
Ewok. He's also supposed to be expert in etiquette, yet his penchant
for sarcasm would seem to minimize his value in this respect. Partnered
with R2-D2, his little blooping buddy, they seem to end up in the heat
of the action, despite Threepio's complaints.
In the earlier trilogy,
we see that he is not yet complete and it's interesting to see that
he somehow never gets too far from his maker, even in the second trilogy,
and despite the odds, remains "in the family", so to speak.
(Peter Mayhew)
Han Solo's sidekick has been with the charming rogue smuggler since
he helped save the Wookiee people from slavery. Big, huge and hairy,
his strength has come in useful more than a few times in the typical
dealings of the rascally space captain. He's also acted as the conscience
for Han, providing a moral support that is almost more important than
his physical power.
Palpatine / Darth Sidious?
(Ian McDiarmid, Clive Revill in Empire Strikes Back)
Emperor Palpatine began as a representative to the Senate from the Core
worlds. A mild man, he ingratiated himself with the two factions forming
within the Senate, received everyones compromise vote and then laughed
as he declared himself Emperor.
Strong in the dark
side of the Force, even to the point of writing a couple treatises on
the matter, he quickly hunted down and eliminated his rivals, especially
the Jedi Knights.
He gained power quickly and with the help of Darth Vader, his right-hand
man and his other Grand Admirals, he ruled the galaxy with total control.
It was only upon the arrival of Luke Skywalker on the scene that things
took a turn for the worse with Palpatine and after the loss of 2 Death
Stars, giant moon-sized destroyers, the Empire's time was limited. Eventually,
his physical body gets destroyed by a now-turned-for-the-good Vader
and his son, Luke. His spirit, like that of Yoda or Kenobi's, however,
still lives on to cause more mischief in the future.
Ewoks (this is Wicket)
(Warwick Davis)
The Ewoks, the most common sentient species on Endor, usually make their
communal dwellings high in the trees. They were encountered by the Rebel
strike force on the Endor moon preparing to knock out the Empire's shield
that protected the 2nd Death Star. They took to heart Princess Leia
and her friends and with the help of the Rebels and the most basic of
tools and weapons, they destroyed the Imperial Station and forced the
shields down, allowing the Millenium Falcon, manned by Lando Calrissian
to destroy the Death Star.
Their language is
quite melodic and C3PO could speak a variation of it. They are a simple
yet warm people.
(Harrison Ford)
This crazy Corellian space pirate is your typical rough-on-the-edges,
heart of gold type of guy. His Wookiee comrade helped keep him honest
and of course, then he met Princess Leia and fell in love. Further domesticated,
he has become a major playor in the Rebel Alliance and his ship, the
Millenium Falcon has been involved in the most important battles against
the Empire.
While attempting
to gain help from an old partner-in-crime, he ended up getting caught
in an Imperial trap, frozen in carbonite, and delivered to his one-time
boss, Jabba the Hutt, by the bounty hunter, Boba Fett. Luckily, he was
freed (and thawed) by Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia and their friends.
The Hutt
(CGI programming and Puppet)
The Hutt's are notorious
crimelords and Jabba has a particularly nasty reputation as being one
of the powerful. Part-time bogeyman, part-time gangster and all-around
bon-vivant, this large slug-like being gets involved when one of his
pirates, Han Solo, dumps a smuggled shipment to avoid trouble with the
Empire and Jabba wants him taken care of. He ends up receiving Han frozen
in carbonite but later on is strangled by a chain-wielding, barely-dressed
Princess Leia. Imagine what you will.
(Liam Neeson)
This well-known Jedi
Master has been teaching and fighting for the good side of the Force for
a long time. One of his best and most famous apprentices, Obi-Wan Kenobi
has taken the best traits from his master and continued the way of the
Jedi. Qui-Gon Jinn seems to be the only one to believe in the good potential
of young Anakin Skywalker's power against the judgement of the Jedi Council.
(Billy Dee Williams)
This one-time troublemaker
and ex-smuggling buddy of Han Solo ended up somehow in command of the
Cloud City on the gas giant Bespin. Turning a primarily industrial installation
into a major centre for gaming, pleasure and recreation, he has ensured
the loyalty of his citizens. He gets pressured by the Empire to turn over
his friends to Darth Vader, however, at the last minute, his good loyalties
come to the fore and he helps fight on the side of the Rebel Alliance.
Leia Organa (Skywalker) (Solo)
(Carrie Fisher)
The names will be explained
in a second. This feisty woman was raised by Viceroy and First Chairman
Bail Organa of Alderaan, although her real parents were dimly lost in
her early childhood. But Bail Organa raised her well, with goodness and
strength in her heart and deep opposition to the evil Empire. It was a
natural progression to one of the top leaders of the Rebel Alliance. She
ends up getting mixed-up somehow with Luke Skywalker and his friend, Captain
Han Solo. Getting deeply involved with both of them, things only make
sense when it is discovered that Luke is her brother, having the same
hidden heritage as herself. It turns out that Luke and Leia are twin children
of Anakin Skywalker and Queen Amidala of Naboo. But after Anakin switches
to the dark side of the Force and becomes Darth Vader, the children are
separated and hidden from their father to ensure their safety. Later on,
after the Empire is vanquished and Vader comes back to the good side of
the Force, Leia ends up marrying Han Solo and thus are all her names explained.
(Mark Hamill)
One of our favourite
people in this galaxy, Luke has crawled out of the misty wastes of the
desert suburbs to develop strong powers to save the galaxy from evil.
How much better can you get? Although at one point he does french his
sister, we can forgive later after he loses his hand in a fight with
his recently-discovered father, Darth Vader. He was raised by his Uncle
Owen and Aunt Beru on the remote dust planet of Tatooine. It appears
that his uncle Owen is really the brother of either Anakin Skywalker
or Obi-Wan Kenobi. He makes friends with a wide selection of characters,
including a space pirate, a 900-year old muppet who can levitate space
craft using his mind and of course, tons of aliens from all over.
His discovery of
his past comes as tumultuously as for his sister although somehow he
'knew it all along'. His strength in the Force is such that everyone
wants him on their side. Alas, poor Luke has no love interest. Maybe
he'll end up with some nice Ewok lady in the third trilogy - if it ever
comes out.
(Samuel L Jackson)
One of the strongest
and most respected members of the Jedi Council, Mace Windu's authority
regarding the Force is greatly revered. He stays in the Jedi Temple
most of the time, yet his fighting skills are as deadly and reknowned
as those of any other Jedi.
(Ray Park)
This master of the
dark side of the Force and of his trade-mark double-bladed lightsabre
is one of the more fearsome creatures of evil in this galaxy. His tremendous
power seems to be the equal of a strong Jedi Knight and he seems to
play a big role in power balance in the galaxy. Darth Maul is apprentice
to another strong evil and together the two are very dangerous to the
Jedi Council.
Moff Tarkin
(Peter Cushing)
Grand Moff Tarkin
is Governor of the Imperial Outland Regions, and one of Emperor Palpatine's
Grand Admirals. Tarkin is the one who came up with the Imperial policy
of Rule By Fear, and it is his determination and brilliance that has
been responsible for the creation of the first Death Star.
His genius unfortunately
knows no moral limits and he has no problem with destroying the planet
of Alderaan with one shot from the Death Star's super-destructo-laser
canon. He seems to be the only person who talks to Darth Vader without
fear and cringing and as such, must be the desired ally of many underlings.
(Kenny Baker)
This spunky little
maintenance droid has all the guts and soul of a plain full of charging
tigers crammed into his tiny frame. Beeping and booping his way across
the galaxy, he was present at most of the major events leading to the
elimination of the Empire including the destruction of the first Death
Star. He (?) and Luke Skywalker have a special bond, and NO I won't
go there.
(Pernilla August)
The mother of Anakin
Skywalker, Shmi lives with her son in the slave quarters of Mos Espa
on Tatooine. Part of her son's great pain may be traced to his pain
at seeing his mother's suffering.

(Frank Oz)
The difference between
these two pictures is only a human generation, roughly the difference
between 830 and 900 years or so. This ancient creature has been one
the most powerful and most honored beings of the good side of the Force.
Making his home eventually on the swamp planet of Dagobah, he waits
to train, to guide and to exist in the Force.
His power and wisdom
have made him the master of many an aspiring Jedi Knight and his apprentices
list among them the best of this already inspiring group. Before he
dies, he completes the training of the son of Anakin Skywalker, Luke
and helps restore the balance of the Force to the galaxy.